Thursday, December 24, 2009

Busy Delivering Christmas Presents!

It's been quite busy at the North Pole getting all the last minute toys ready for all the good boys and girls this year.  I'm sending a quick update as I take a break from traveling at the speed of light to my next destination.  If you want to see where I've been and track my progress, click here:

Be sure to be in bed on time tonight - I can't stop by until you're sound asleep!  And don't forget to leave a snack for me and the reindeer - it's hard work delivering all these presents, so it's nice to be able to refuel our tummies!

Break's over - I must fly!  

*sent via Blackberry somewhere up in the sky*


Jo ~ said... 1

love this site! you guys are too funny! thanks for the car!

Grand Pooba said... 2

Love you Santa! (Please put me on the nice list :o)

Alice in Wonderland said... 3

Love you, Santa! Take care and wrap up well! It's very cold outdoors, but I'll leave out something to warm you up!

Mike said... 4

Go Santa, Go!!!!!

Heat Miser said... 5

Blast! That Santa! Always being the Good guy!!!!

Snow Miser said... 6

Brother, you are just jealous because of the fact that Santa likes the Cold and snow!!

Mother Nature said... 7

Boys, oh boys! Quit your fighting!!!

Brian Miller said... 8

santa, i heard a rumor about you and your brother and mrs. claus...i didnt believe it

merry christmas santa! safe travels...

Ronda Laveen said... 9

Dear Santa: I heard the same tittilating story Brian did. I'm sure there's been some mistake.

Hurry, hurry, I'm waiting but not so patiently.

Suzanne said... 10

Santa...stop by and feul up!!! Wink!

Lizzie said... 11

Dear Santa, please don't forget my little heart on this special, magical day. xo